📆 Calendar Notifications & Actions


:warning:You must be on Home Assistant Version 2024.6 or later.

Please update your HA if you can.

Blacky :smiley:


Would it be possible to update the trigger section to allow multiple triggers? I would like to get a notification of a calendar event 24h and 2h before it starts.

I rather not create multiple automations for this.


Welcome to the community.

I can see that it would be some value. I will put it on the list of suggestions. For now you have 2 triggers. One at the start and one at the end. If you use the offsets you can achieve what you are after.

Say you have a calendar event at 3pm to 4 pm. The start offset would be -24 and the end offset would be -3.

Blacky :smiley:


I’m using the 24h and 2h for all events in the calendar so I can’t really work with the end offset as every event can have different hours.

I’ll keep it seperated for now until an update arrives.

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We love your blueprint! Use it almost daily.

I have a request.

We work different schedules most days, Brenda somedays is up at 4AM while I sleep in to 6AM. Then the next day she may get up at 5AM and I am up at 4AM, and so it goes. Almost every week is a slightly different schedule beginning at 4AM to 6AM. I use your blueprint to make things happen, lights on, coffee started, etc. I have two automations, one for Brenda and one for me. Currently I must go into the automation and change the offset time for each or our days. (One problem is that she will only add an event as an all day event, saying it is too much trouble to set the time… My cross to bear.) I know I can add a start time to the calendar event to make it work but would have to do this every day a change is made. We use all day events so they display differently from appointments. I have tried to do this but several times have screwed something up and it did not work correctly…

I have modified our coffee pot with a Shelly 1 so it can use HA automations instead of the pots timer function. I use the time picker card as a trigger in an automation to set our coffee pot on time for days we do not work - works great. Simple dashboard card to change. And as a bonus, Brenda knows how and will change it on her own!

I wish your blueprint had the option of using the time picker card (or something like that) as an input for the calendar offset time.

Thanks again for all your work on this, I just updated to 1.7 and am even more impressed!


Hi Jim, have you considered using the :round_pushpin: State Notifications & Actions blueprint?

This way you can use a state (time) to trigger the automation. Then it will work more like an alarm and run your actions.

Blacky :smiley:

I had not but will give it look. Thanks.

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Hi Blacky,
Im am using this blueprint since a few day’s and same as other blueprints you made, also this one is amazing.

I am using the blueprint as a garbage reminder. Some day’s both green and paper is collected on the same day. In the calender I have two events automatically populated by the HACS integration “afvalbeheer”.
By using your blueprint I now have two notifications on those day’s because the calender has two events.

Is it possible to combine the descriptions of both calender events in one notification?
Example: If both GFT and Paper will be collected, the message will be:
“The following bins will be collected tomorrow: GFT, Paper”


Sort answer is currently no.

I have 3 bins, Red, Green & Yellow.

Red = Rubbish
Green = Green waste
Yellow = Recycle bottles and plastic.

One week we have Green & Red

the next week we have Green & Yellow.

Next week we have Green & Red

And so on it goes.

In the FAQ I show you how to set this up having 2 repeat calendar events.

You may have the same :thinking:

One week may be Green and paper and the next week may be just paper. You may be able to set it up in the same way so you get one reminder.

Link to FAQ click here and check out point 3.

Hope this helps you.

Blacky :smiley:

My calender events are automatically populated by the HACS integration. Also the schedule is not always the same, so if I want to create the events manually that will cost me time, and automations are made to make life easy :slightly_smiling_face:

Maybe you can add the feature to combine descriptions in a future update?


Aha that makes sense now thanks for letting me know.

I put it on the list of suggestions.

Blacky :smiley:

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Hello, I have been struggling with setting automations with calendar events for quite a while now and found your blueprint, which looks pretty straightforward. However, in testing it, I can see it’s being triggered but fails on conditions not met and it simply stops. The log doesn’t report on what conditions are not being met. Here is the YMAL:

The trace log:

Any thoughts?

Thank you.


I have tested it here again using your settings and it worked. Looks like it is your keyword. You must have @test in your summary or description.

When you look at the trace log, click on step details and then follow the orange line in the tree until it stops and click on the step condition A/B. You will see more details.

Blacky :smiley:

Thank you for taking the time to look into it, and I’m sorry you’ve had to repeat yet again that same instruction about the keyword in the description. For some reason, I seemed to recall that it worked once without the keyword in the description of the calendar event and subsequently kept skipping that step in my trials. In any case, it’s all good now.


No problem, you can opt not to use a keyword if you like by selecting Don’t use “Key Word” in calendar

Blacky :smiley:

New Update 1.8

Transform Your Calendar: Turn Events Into Notifications and Actions! :calendar: :bell: :gear:

:apple: New Feature For iOS

  • Notification Sound - The Home Assistant app for iOS includes built-in notification sounds, and you can import sounds from your iOS device into the app. Custom sounds can also be added via iTunes or from your cloud storage.

For more information on using sounds in the Home Assistant app, click here.

Maintenance :toolbox:

  • From time to time, Home Assistant updates their YAML standards and coding practices. To align with their roadmap, we’ve updated the code accordingly. We will continue to apply these updates across all our blueprints as they are revised.

If you like this blueprint? Consider hitting the :heart: button in the top post :+1:

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Blacky :grinning:

Good day I have been trying to get this to work - it wont trigger the automation even when i try manually

here is my yaml

alias: Calendar Notifications & Actions
description: ""
  path: Blackshome/calendar-notifications-and-actions.yaml
    calendar: calendar.calendar
    include_calendar_trigger: disable_key_word
      hours: -24
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 0
      days: 0
    include_start_notify: enable_start_notify_options
      - 6de
      hours: -23
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 0
      days: 0
    include_start_action_button_confirmation: disable_start_action_button_confirmation
    include_start_auto_actions: []
      - sticky
    include_end_notify: disable_end_notify_options

when I check the trace i get (Stopped because of unknown reason at December 2, 2024 at 11:29:19 PM (runtime: 0.00 seconds))

thank you


Welcome to the community.

You can’t run it manually.

Your calendar event must be added to HA 15min into the future. HA need 15 min to register the calendar event so if you try and add a calendar event in 1 min before your notification to test it then it will not work. Example if the time now is 4:00pm and you add a calendar event in to test then it must be 4:15pm. Then you have to wait. If you put in a all day calendar event then you have to wait 15 min before you can test it. You then can keep adjusting your offsets in the blueprint so you can test it quicker.

Your start offset is -24 so this will be the problem. To get your head around it try no offset and just add a calendar event in 15 min into the future, sit back and wait for 15 min to pass and you should get the notification.

Blacky :smiley:

thank you for the reply - trying now have set an event in the calendar to 30min in the future with no offset

Will let you know how I get on


alias: Calendar Notifications & Actions
description: ""
  path: Blackshome/calendar-notifications-and-actions.yaml
    calendar: calendar.calendar
    include_calendar_trigger: disable_key_word
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 0
      days: 0
    include_start_notify: enable_start_notify_options
      - 6de
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 0
      days: 0
    include_start_action_button_confirmation: disable_start_action_button_confirmation
    include_start_auto_actions: []
    start_notify_data: []
    include_end_notify: disable_end_notify_options

It worked thank you great automation