Calendar trigger doesn't always work


I have a calendar trigger configured and occasionally it just doesn’t work. I can’t understand the logic when it works and when it doesn’t. I’m doing a debug creating short events and one fires, another doesn’t. When it doesn’t it leaves no traces at all.
Does anyone know why it happens and what’s the logic behind it?

Maybe show us examples of automation that do not work?

Well, it’s very simple:

alias: "Test"
description: "Test automation for calendar"
  - platform: calendar
    event: start
    offset: "0:2:0"
    entity_id: xxxx

I create a test calendar event and in 50% of time the trigger works, 50% doesn’t without any traces

You realize that will trigger 2 minutes after the start of the event, right?
What integration provides your calendars?

It’s a typo… The correct one is

alias: "Test"
description: "Test automation for calendar"
  - platform: calendar
    event: start
    offset: "-0:2:0"
    entity_id: xxxx

As for integration I tried both Local calendar and Google Calendar with the same result.

The only idea I have is that it takes certain time for the event to get propogated through the system. When I’m debugging, of course, I do not want to wait longer and create events starting in 5 mins. But I wasn’t able to confirm this experimentally - some events created in 5 mins worked, others created in 10 mins didn’t work. Maybe events are registered every X minutes… I don’t know… That’s what I want to figure out

From calendar doc:


Thanks mate. As always I should RTFM before posting…

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Honestly, the note is quite hidden…