I have an .ics calender which has repeating events. I implemented this calender with the HACS ICS Calender Integration. I want two boolean entitys for the repeating events: One should be true the day before the event and the other one should be true on the day of the event.
My first problem is: The events are full day events and are not shown in the calender at all. I took a lock in the configuration but found nothing wrong there. And I have tried to search for similar problem like this on google and here in the forum, but have not found any solution. Can somebody give me a hint?
I also have seen scripts, in which calender events can be searched based on a periodic automation. But I am new to Home Assistant and this is way above my possibilites at the moment. I am a software developer so I am sure I can figure this out. But I need a kick start hint where and how to start.
Missing from where? It works for me (Google Calendar and local calendar). If your integration is skipping them, then only the developer can do something about it I fear.
the source of events is a ICS file from a Exchange Server. It is implemented in Home Assistant via the HACS ICS Calender integration. I configure the URL to the ICS file from our Exchange server and the events are showing up, except the hole-day events. If I try an online ICS viewer with the same URL of our server all events are shown, so the issue must be either a setting or the HACS ICS Calender implementation.