I’m creating a load cell based scale and would like to calibrate the scale to a known weight via the internal web server or from HA without having to upload new code each time.
From what I understand this would require using either a global variable or reading the value from HA and neither is allowed for a calibrate linear filter.
As you can see in the code below, this global variable is float.
Has anyone been able to use a variable or a sensor as a calibration data point?
Is there a way to call the calibrate_linear function from a lambda that can use global variables?
name: test-scale
friendly_name: Test Scale
entity_name: test_scale
# Map Raw sensor values to Kg
# Begin initial setup by retrieving the values below by evaluating the raw values with loads of known mass.
# Measure four weights from 0 Kg to the highest known mass without exceeding the load cell.
# Note: A bigger difference between mass results in higher scale resolution.
# Mass in Kg used for calibration
mass_0_kg: '0'
mass_1_kg: '5' # heaviest weight without exceeding the load cell
# Raw sensor value for above mass
mass_0_raw: '172500'
mass_1_raw: '1247000'
name: $name
platform: ESP32
board: wemos_d1_mini32
type: LAN8720
mdc_pin: GPIO23
mdio_pin: GPIO18
clk_mode: GPIO17_OUT
phy_addr: 0
power_pin: GPIO5
use_address: $ip_address
disabled: true
password: !secret api_password
reboot_timeout: 0s
password: !secret ota_password
baud_rate: 0 # Disable UART logging
hx711: ERROR
port: 80
- id: tare_value
type: float
restore_value: yes
initial_value: '0'
- id: manual_tare_flag
type: bool
restore_value: no
initial_value: 'false'
# Switch used to initiate a manual tare
- platform: template
id: tare_action_switch
name: "$friendly_name Manual Tare Action"
lambda: |-
return id(manual_tare_flag);
- lambda: |-
id(tare_value) = $mass_0_raw - id(cell_raw).state ;
- switch.turn_off: tare_action_switch
- lambda: |-
id(manual_tare_flag) = false;
# Switch Virtual Restart
- platform: restart
name: "$friendly_name Restart"
id: restart_switch
# mass map template sensors
- platform: template
id: current_mass_0_raw
name: "$friendly_name Map $mass_0_kg Kg"
lambda: |-
return $mass_0_raw;
update_interval: 1days
- platform: template
id: current_mass_1_raw
name: "$friendly_name Map $mass_1_kg Kg"
lambda: |-
return $mass_1_raw;
update_interval: 1days
# Tare template sensor
- platform: template
id: current_tare
name: "$friendly_name Current Tare"
lambda: |-
return id(tare_value);
update_interval: 1s
- or:
- throttle: 1min
- delta: 1
# Cell Raw to 0 Kg deviation template sensor
- platform: template
id: zero_kg_deviation
name: "$friendly_name 0 Kg / Raw"
lambda: |-
return $mass_0_raw - id(cell_raw).state;
update_interval: 1s
# Raw ADC Reading
- platform: hx711
name: "$friendly_name Raw"
id: cell_raw
internal: False
dout_pin: GPIO14
clk_pin: GPIO33
gain: 128
# unit_of_measurement: kg
accuracy_decimals: 0
update_interval: 0.2s
# filter out the top five values and send the nineteenth highest value in the dataset
- quantile:
window_size: 25
send_every: 25
send_first_at: 25
quantile: .8
- lambda: 'id(cell_kg).publish_state(x);'
# Raw ADC Temperature Compensated to Kg
- platform: template
id: cell_kg
name: "$friendly_name Measured Mass"
internal: False
# apply tare
- lambda: 'return x + id(tare_value);'
# apply rough calibration
- calibrate_linear:
- $mass_0_raw -> $mass_0_kg
- $mass_1_raw -> $mass_1_kg
# map values below 0.1 to 0 (to decrease value changes due to random fluctuation)
- lambda: |-
if (x <= 0.1) {
return 0.0;
} else {
return x;
- sliding_window_moving_average:
window_size: 3
send_every: 1
- throttle: 5s
unit_of_measurement: kg
accuracy_decimals: 3
update_interval: 0.2s