Call-service API error. Error Message: extra keys not allowed @ data['0']

I tried a simple notification with NR but no success. Could anybody help me on this
error: “Call-service API error. Error Message: extra keys not allowed @ data[‘0’]”

see attached picture about the message i have configured. Any help?
Thank you - Dave

You have to give a json in data or else it will not work. To help you better what exactly do you want to notify and to which device?

I just want so notify a certain text e.g. “TV ist switched on” to the mobile app of HA.
The service I used mobile_app_mobile_jonas does work itself when I use it directly
in HA as a service.
Is there a change to control//see the code which is generated by node red?
Thank you! Dave

Domain and service are ok. Keep the entity id tab empty and Just copy this to data and try if it is working.

{"message": "TV ist switched on"}

Thank you - this works!
Have a good day - Dave

Happy to help. You can also include title like this.

{"message": "TV ist switched on", "title": "your title"}