Hi @tom_l, I posted this one before I saw @sparkydave’s reply. I’m not quite sure it will work but I did just post a response to his and seeing what they might suggest.
Another option… In the last steps of the sequence that detects that you manually changed it, instead of calling “automation.pause”, couldn’t you turn off the automation, perform a 20 minute delay, then turn the automation back on?
That’s fraught with danger. The automation never gets tuned back on if you restart while in the delay. Timers can be restored, with a bit of jiggery-pokery. And if you don’t go to the trouble of doing that then the timer is idle and the condition passes.
Change the timedelta according to your use case. With this template the automation will only trigger once every 20 minutes.
Last triggered survives restarts too so you don’t have to worry about timers or anything. Or trying to figure out how your automation got paused by looking at a bunch of different traces.