Call service group:set missing on my installation

Could anybody shed some light as to why I can’t call the group:set service, but 2 others with similar HA versions can?

Mine looks like this:

As you can see, it doesn’t autocomplete, because the service doesn’t exist on my installation.

But his looks like this:

It’s like the service is entirely missing off my installation.

Additionally, I get errors in my logs because of this:

What gives?

Solved it.

Seems the service doesn’t get started until it’s actually needed.
Solution is to create a group in your config.yaml (any group) and restart HA.
I did this and restarted HA and then the service was available.


I was puzzling over your question and wondered about whether a group was needed first.

Yeah, well I’ve never needed a group, but had installed Kloggy’s very good My Garden Irrigation, which evidently makes use of the service group directives, and thereby bringing up errors when it couldn’t call the service.