Call service "homeassistant.reload_config_entry" doesnt' work

Hi! I’ve tried recently to use the call_service from Developer’s tools “homeassistant.reload_config_entry” to reload an integration after editing the file “core.config_entries.json” to modify some parameters in the Adapting_Lighting integration. I’ve tried entity_id and entry_id as well as input for this call_service but it didn’t reload the integration.
Someone can post an example of usage of this call_service? Here’s my try to use it:

service: homeassistant.reload_config_entry
  entry_id: bd377d7e91521ec873125fa03ee6a2db
target: {}

Thanks in advice.

I think you should additionally use target so point it to an entity. At least that’s how I use this service. Most of the time only with target entity_id, some integrations additionally need the data entry_id.

For example:

service: homeassistant.reload_config_entry
  entity_id: sensor.iss