Hi All,
I am New to Home assistant. Been playing with it a few weeks, and am slowly getting ideas on how I want to to work in my automated home. I have several different lights but am having trouble with a couple of them. I have been messing around in Node red, and wanted to set the brightness and colours of my lights. But with 2 of my lights, the call service node does not function when I am turning on a light with the data part of the section filled in with the settings I would like to use. If I leave the data section empty, it will turn on the light, with what ever light settings i used through it’s default app. I have copied and pasted working settings from other lights, and the same problem exists, and even using the settings I would like these lights to have works on other lights. I am only changing colours and brightness, nothing else. I have used both RGB settings for colours and color_name, neither work on these particular lights. Have also use brightness and brightness_pct and I get the same result. I have also tried using the call serice built into HA, and I get the exact same result in Automations. So I’m wondering, could it be that these lights do not support these functions? That being the case, how can I check when purchasing lights, that these functions are supported in HA?
All the lights I use have been purchased from amazon UK, lots of different ones as I’ve been experimenting, but the two lights I am having trouble with are both rgbic string lights and both use Tuya integration, mobile App is Smart Life. Neither are made by Tuya and are two different brands.
Thanks for any advice in advance