You should always make new threads, if you have a new question.
The old threads might not be exactly about what your issue is and the result is a confusing thread for people searching it up later.
At the same time you will miss many possible answers, because some of the people watching the forum consider old threads already handled.
When you will describe a problem then it is also a good idea to use a screenshot. In Windows you should be able to get one by holding Windows key and Shift down and then press S. The screen get a blackish overlay, which means you can then drag a square around the cut out you want by using the mouse.
The captured screenshot should be able to be posted direct to the forum post by press CTRL+V on Windows.
I am not sure what the options are for Linux and Mac on screenshots, but a google search should solve that or a new post on the forum here.
In some posts you make code will needed posted too and here it as important to post the code and then make sure that there is a blank line above and below the text. Then mark then text and the two blank lines and press the </> icon in the post editors icon bar. This make sure that the formatting is preserved which might be important in the problem solving.
In Node Red we might also benefit from the code, so mark the nodes you have issues with and them that are important to understand the flow to there and then click the three lines in the upper right corner.
Select Export and then Copy to Clipboard.
Insert the text and mark is code as described above.
You might then get an answer with a code text back, which can be copied (upper right corner of the code box will usually reveal a copy icon when holding the mouse over it, which is the easiest way to copy the code) and inserted into Node Red by choosing the three lines again and then Import.
Copy the text in the box and choose import and you get the nodes in the answer in to you Node Red window.
Sometimes you get extra info that can give warnings and now and then also errors when importing flows from others, which is because the flow contains the HA config nodes too.
The is easily fixed by clicking the down arrow below the three lines and choosing Configuration Nodes.
In the list that comes up you will probably find two or more Home Assistant nodes.
The Number to the right of them is the connections to it and your correct one will almost certainly have the highest number, so doubleclick on the others and choose delete.
Lastly you might need to debug in Node Red which is done with the debug node. When using a debug node it is pretty much always a good idea to configure its output to Complete MSG object (I do not understand why this is not the default :)),
The debug node will display messages in the debug window whenever something occur.
The debug window is the bettle icon under the three lines.
Use the debug node with your problem here to see when the motion detector sends a message.
A common issue with motion detects is that they have “cooldown” time before they can be activated again.
Sometimes this cooldown time is high, like 30 secs or more.
When you have read this and played a bit with the debug node in regard to your issue without solving it, then make a new thread and use the hints here to provide information about your flow and what you have tested.