Calling a service in a scene definition

I want to change the temperature on an ecobee thermostat in a scene. Here is how I’m setting it up:

- name: Good Night
    light.master_bedroom_light: off
    switch.master_bedroom_fan: on
      entity_id: climate.upstairs
        temperature: 71       

It, however, does not change the temperature or log any errors. Is it possible? Am I doing it wrong?

According to the documentation, when using set_temperature you need to use the correct temperature parameter based on the mode that the ecobee is using:

Puts the thermostat into a temporary hold at the given temperature.

Service data attribute	Optional	Description
entity_id	yes	String or list of strings that point at entity_id’s of climate devices to control. Else targets all.
target_temp_low	no	Desired heating target temperature (when in auto mode)
target_temp_high	no	Desired cooling target temperature (when in auto mode)
temperature	no	Desired target temperature (when not in auto mode)

Only the target temperatures relevant for the current operation mode need to be provided.

Thanks for the reply. I read that documentation and chose the ‘temperature’ parameter based on the fact that I’m using the ‘cool’ and not ‘auto’ setting. Do you see something I’m missing?