Camera crop doesnt work

Im trying to set up HA to download a PNG image, process it by cropping and use the cropped version within UI.
Ive done this package:

  - platform: generic
    name: 'Thinkbroadband monitor uncropped'
    still_image_url: !secret thinkbroadband_url
  - platform: proxy
    name: 'Thinkbroadband monitor'
    entity_id: camera.thinkbroadband_monitor_uncropped
    mode: crop
    image_top: 85
    image_left: 85
    max_image_width: 628
    max_image_height: 208

Unfortunately it doesnt work - the image doesnt get cropped and both camera.thinkbroadband_monitor_uncropped and camera.thinkbroadband_monitor entities contain same image.
What am i doing wrong here?

I’m facing the same issue, the camera is cropped only in fronted, but the upper half, and I need the bottom half.
Did you get something?

Nope, i have only noticed that this indeed works but only in the frontend. Try playing up with your config and hopefully you will also get the bottom half cropped, obviously the fact that changes are only visible in the frontend (but not even in States!) does not help the troubleshooting.