Camera module not found (usb cam)

Hi there,

Am busy setting up a USB SonyPlaystation cam, connected on my Pi 3 model B. I installed motion and that all goes well but when I found a reference to this article: and executed this command: raspistill -v -o test.jpg, then I got this response:

    mmal: Cannot read camera info, keeping the defaults for OV5647

raspistill Camera App v1.3.11

Width 2592, Height 1944, quality 85, filename test.jpg
Time delay 5000, Raw no
Thumbnail enabled Yes, width 64, height 48, quality 35
Link to latest frame enabled  no
Full resolution preview No
Capture method : Single capture

Preview Yes, Full screen Yes
Preview window 0,0,1024,768
Opacity 255
Sharpness 0, Contrast 0, Brightness 50
Saturation 0, ISO 0, Video Stabilisation No, Exposure compensation 0
Exposure Mode 'auto', AWB Mode 'auto', Image Effect 'none'
Flicker Avoid Mode 'off'
Metering Mode 'average', Colour Effect Enabled No with U = 128, V = 128
Rotation 0, hflip No, vflip No
ROI x 0.000000, y 0.000000, w 1.000000 h 1.000000
mmal: mmal_vc_component_create: failed to create component '' (1:ENOMEM)
mmal: mmal_component_create_core: could not create component '' (1)
mmal: Failed to create camera component
mmal: main: Failed to create camera component
mmal: Camera is not detected. Please check carefully the camera module is installed correctly

Seems like there is a mmal component that seems not to have been installed. Have also searched for a solution both on the forum and Google but found no answer. Also I have upgraded to the latest versions. Any suggestions?


After some more research and trial and error I managed to be able to use my webcam with the help of this blog: Not sure what did the trick.


Not sure what did the trick.

At first you tried to make a USB camera work using the basic configuration for a pi camera, which uses a 15-way ribbon cable.

USB camera ≠ pi camera

You eventually managed to make your USB PlayStation camera work using an appropriate reference, i.e. the Norwegian website which covers much more possibilities than just the command “raspi-config” → “camera enable” (that only enables a ribbon-cable pi camera).

Thanks for clarification flux_capacitor! :grinning: