Then I put the same path (/media/local/snapshots/last_motion.jpg) to your blueprint, keeping all the other fields with the default parameter … but I got the “failed to load attachment” message
remove the /local in the blueprint URL, the blueprint replaces /media with /media/local so it looks like the final URL it is going to load is /media/local/local/snapshots/last_motion.jpg.
/media is not in /config but in root. I’m not sure why it cant get your image. What kind of HA install are you using?
try using /media/snapshots or /config/www (but remember to replace /config/www with /local in the notification) or any other folder that you have write access to.
shit, I will have to update the blueprint to support files in /www natively though. But it looks like you cannot write to /media at all which may be an underlying issue.
I’ve updated it to support the /config/www, try using the file path as /config/www/snapshots/{{ states[camera].object_id }}/last_motion.jpg and see if you can save the image there. This will expose the image to the internet though, but it seems like you have write issues.
i am using this automation, but i have a problem with showing the right snapshot in my notification.
The automation saves the snapshot in /media/DoorbellCamera/last_motion.jpg and also saves in archive.
But it shows a really old snapshot in my iphone notification. I dont even know where it takes the snapshot from…
Hello guys! Is there a way with this great blueprint to have more then 1 snapshot? I mean if movement is detected send snap from camera 1 and camera 2 instead of only 1 camera.
I don’t think so as it is. But you could try using the addition actions option or try the new “Take over this blueprint” feature to add that. The image component is a single URL. You can try just duplicating that part. But it may just be best and make an automation for each camera, keeping everything the same but the actual camera. I do that for a few cameras on certain conditions.
At first, thanks for this blueprint which is really useful.
Unfortunately i had the same problem like other before to get the snapshot on my iOS notification.
I am using HA Operating System on an Intel Nuc. The snapshot is correctly saved and i can reach it through the browser … http://HA-URL:PORT/media/local/snapshots/CAMERA_NAME/last_motion.jpg?authSig=HASH
So the snapshot part is working fine.
But on my Apple Watch i just get a black “Screen” with a play button. On the iphone there is no picture shown in the notification.
Hmm, people have been posting about having issues on iOS. I do not have an iOS device so I cannot test properly. However, there is a iOS option for video support. I had that enabled in case it worked, but I just removed it in case that was the issue. Update the blueprint to 2.2.6
However, if you continue having errors, try to use the blueprint with it’s defaults and see if you get the image. In many cases, it’s the url that is notification is trying to use which seems like the issue. The code replaces some strings, like /media → /media/local for example.
EDIT, looking at your URL, you already have /media/local so the notification is trying to use /media/local/local, remove the /local from the File Path option.