I am trying to show mini camera pop-up in my TV using Android TV Notification service. Also, I am trying to send camera clips and snapshots to telegram and gmail. However, nothing has worked. Note: I am using Docker environment to run HA service.
What has worked?
Sending snap notification to phone has worked using the following blueprint:
(Blueprint Uised: Link to Blueprints: start import – My Home Assistant)
However, when i add the following line in my config.yaml file, camera service just vanishes from my home assistant version 2024.4.4
- /config/snapshot
I also created snapshot folder under config. Same issue of vanishing camera service didn’t happen with previous home assistant versions though even if I had no luck attaining my desired objective even in previous versions.
Though not a solution to be able to access my file locally, maybe more securedly, i.e. not from www, I tried the following after removing the alllowlist line from configuration.yaml file which resumes camera service btw:
service: notify.android_tv_fire_tv
message: Motion is Detected at 2nd Floor
title: CCTV Alert!
duration: 5
fontsize: large
position: center
color: amber
transparency: 50%
image: http://homeassistant.local:8123/local/tmp/snapshot_home_camera.jpg
However, this does not work on my TV (changing yamls accordingly, I also tried on my gmail and telegram but without luck). But when i remove this image line, notification just works fine. Intead of image if i use file path in the yaml lines, only the notification work with or without removal if the file path. However, above mentioned http address directs to the image if pasted on browser and also works with the above mentioned blueprint for phone notification. Please note that i am using HA locally only till date. Can anyone help here/