I am using the following to view my Dahua C22 cameras in Home Assistant. They only offer a single 1920x1080 stream. No mjpeg or lower resolutions option.
My problem is that I also have other types of cameras in Home Assistant with different resolutions, and the camera view gets all messed up because the picture sizes are all different.
So, for consistency purposes, is there a way to set the window size for each camera, or somehow configure the Dahua stream to appear at a specified resolution?
Has anyone had success about this?
I have an old DVR with analogic cams, the DVR supports the 960 mode (WD1) at 960x576 px
I have an automation who make a camera screen to send it via push notification, then a “local file camera” display the last visitor on the dashboard from the screenshot.
I have different resolutions and no matter if i set to stream “auto or live”, nor if i change the A.R.
Here is how i see in the lovelace the cam, and its last screenshot: