Camera views continue to cause IP ban

AFAIK, this is a long standing issue. Just wanted to check in to see if anyone has found a suitable workaround.

Viewing my IP cameras very often causes a ban of my IP with message “too many incorrect login attempts.” I e upped the bad login threshold to 10.

Most recently, the ban was on my mobile phone’s IP which was using HA companion (iOS) app, but this has also happened from laptop viewing HA via Chrome.

IIRC, the issue is something about an expired token for the camera view being used repeatedly - but I’m not sure what I can do about that.

Anyone working through same issue?

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Hey there,

I seem to be having the same problem here

Same problem here. Home Assistant running in Docker container behind Traefik reverse proxy. As soon as I add picture glance cards or picture-entity cards showing the output of my 3 web cams I get banned after only a few visits to Home Assistant. If I remove the cards displaying the cameras everything works fine.