July 6, 2017, 6:26pm
not sure what i am doing wrong, but i have 4 ip cameras that i want to use with hA…
in my cameras.yaml file (below) if I have 2 cameras it works as expected…
- platform: amcrest
name: Living Room Camera
host: ""
password: !secret camera_password
port: 9083
username: !secret camera_user
stream_source: rtsp
- platform: amcrest
name: Kitchen Camera
host: ""
password: !secret camera_password
port: 9083
username: !secret camera_user
stream_source: rtsp
if i add a third this breaks?
any help?
Can you expand on what breaks? What is the error log outputing?
July 6, 2017, 7:01pm
just re-did the 3rd camera and no errors…
maybe some white space is my guess… ?
This is what often breaks HA for a lot of people. Tabs instead of spaces or small missteps in the formatting.
July 7, 2017, 1:37am
below is the error with the 4th camera
in “/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/camera.yaml”, line 30, column 9
Jul 07 01:30:12 hassbian hass[7025]: found unexpected end of stream
Jul 07 01:30:12 hassbian hass[7025]: in “/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/camera.yaml”, line 39, column 1
Jul 07 01:30:12 hassbian hass[7025]: 2017-07-07 01:30:12 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Error loading /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/configuration.yaml: while scanning a quoted scalar
Jul 07 01:30:12 hassbian hass[7025]: in “/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/camera.yaml”, line 30, column 9
Jul 07 01:30:12 hassbian hass[7025]: found unexpected end of stream
Jul 07 01:30:12 hassbian hass[7025]: in “/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/camera.yaml”, line 39, column 1
Jul 07 01:30:12 hassbian hass[7025]: Config directory: /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant
i was using the format of amcrest for a foscam camera… specifcally “” around the ip and using node instead of IP…
Can you post the config that is failing?
July 7, 2017, 4:46am
error’s gone after i used the right format for the foscam camera…
however for this camera i get (error loading image)
(Robert Pitera)
July 7, 2017, 1:10pm
Try using the generice MJPEG camera for Foscam. I have two of them and they were not supported properly under the Foscam platform but work great with generic MJPEG.
July 12, 2017, 1:41am
that didnt work, using generic MJPEG does the same…
(Robert Pitera)
July 12, 2017, 1:50pm
I think @silvrr is right, we may need to see the version of the config that fails with the third camera added. Actually, seeing the entire cameras.yaml file would probably help as well as seeing the call in configuration.yaml to include it.