Can a custom integration create a new dashboard?


I am in the process of creating a custom integration. As part of my custom integration, I am creating custom cards that are able to be added to the dashboard. When a user installs this custom integration, is there any way to have a new dashboard automatically created, that loads a strategy with all the cards I want to have on this new dashboard? Thank you for your help.

My 2cts… it is not just the dashboard but each of the cards need to be updated to refer to the proper entity(ies) too. I am also not sure what you mean with 'when a user installs a custom integration"… this is a admin task and should not be left to ‘any’ user… alternatively: if you trust ‘any’ user to install integrations, then they should also be able to setup their own dash…
I am not sure if you thought this through end-2-end