Can a service call target different entities based on the contents?

Hi All,

I am using the HACS Climate Template, basically everything is working perfectly except I cannot turn off the AC due to the Daikin VRV data structure.

Basically HA has 1 entity for mode, that include “cool”, “dry”, “fan”, “off”, etc.

My Daikin VRV (via BACNET) has:

  • 1 x entity for modes (“cool”, “dry”, “fan”)
  • 1 x entity for on/off

Hence it doesnt map to the HA data model very well, by using the climate template so far everything is working perfectly except I cannot turn the AC on or off… and I am not sure within the “set_hav_mode” service I can target different entities based on the contents.

Below I tried stacking the “select_option” but then I lost control of all modes.

Does anyone know how I could somehow force the “off” mode to a different entity?

      - service: select.select_option
          entity_id:  select.bacnet_airconmodecommand_020
          option: "{% if hvac_mode == 'cool' %}1{% elif hvac_mode == 'fan_only' %}3{% elif hvac_mode == 'dry' %}5{% endif %}"
      - service: select.select_option
          entity_id:  switch.bacnet_startstopcommand_020
          option: "{% if hvac_mode == 'off' %}0{% else %}1{% endif %}"

In terms of reading in the state (which is a seperate set of entities) I was able to create below that works perfectly combining the 2 entities.

`hvac_mode_template: "
{% if states('binary_sensor.bacnet_startstopstatus_020') == 'off' %}
{% elif states('sensor.bacnet_airconmodestatus_020') == '1' %}
{% elif  states('sensor.bacnet_airconmodestatus_020') == '3'%}
{% elif  states('sensor.bacnet_airconmodestatus_020') == '5'%}
{% else %}
{% endif %}"`