Can anyone help me create a card that can enter numbers

hi guys
I need help setting up an automatic air conditioning system in my home. My home is using ducted air conditioning. I want each room to be able to set its own temperature.

I want to make it easier to set room temperature for my mom to use!

For example, just a card input 25, the current temperature of the temperature sensor in the room is 26, if the air conditioner temperature is 24, so control the ducted valve to open

I would like to ask how to make a card can input numbers and make it work.

Have you looked at the simple thermostat card:

Screenshot from 2022-04-04 10-16-41

It looks like it needs an entity, which directly changes the air conditioner temperature.

I need a virtual controller to trigger the automation! When I set the room to 25 degrees, first change the damper, until the damper is off, then change the AC temp

Use the Generic Thermostat - Home Assistant (

Here you set temperatures and what sensor to read and it can maintain a temperature by switching on/off a switch.
The switch can be a template/generic switch that could trigger something else if you can’t use a switch in it’s pure form.

Here is my generic thermostat controlling the temperature in the kitchen and living room.

  - platform: generic_thermostat
    name: Vardagsrum
    heater: group.vardagsrum
    target_sensor: sensor.temperatur_vardagsrum_temperature
    min_temp: 18
    max_temp: 24
    target_temp: 22
    cold_tolerance: 0.5
    hot_tolerance: 0
    initial_hvac_mode: heat

target sensor is a zigbee temperature sensor, group.vardagsrum is a group of two switches (kitchen and livingroom).
When the switches goes on the thermostat of the radiator valve is changed from 0 degrees to something I can’t remember, but hot.
Because I used this approach the actual TRV’s can’t be manipulated by the family and the temperature is constant in the home.