in HomeAssistent
- id: ‘1587029293014’
alias: automate_ifttt
trigger:- event_data:
action: ‘call_service’
event_type: ifttt_webhook_received
platform: event
action: - data_template:
entity_id: ‘{{ }}’
service_template: ‘{{ }}’
- event_data:
Name: ifttt_homeassistent_update
URL: http://mypublicip:8123/api/webhook/mykey
Post Method: POST
COntect Type: Application/json
Body: Emtpy
In HomeAssistent
Ga to Configrarion \ Services
event: ifttt_homeassistent_update
Run it
I got an message on my Phone that this action had runned even by Services you can see it runs.
Under Intergration \ IFTTT Hebkook I see the message This intergration had no devices.
Error in de HomeAssistent:
Config entry for ipp not ready yet. Retrying in 5 seconds.
22:31:13 – (WARNING) - bericht kwam voor het eerst om 22:05:54 en verschijnt 22 malen
Error fetching ipp data: Invalid response from API: Error occurred while communicating with IPP server.
22:31:13 – ipp (ERROR) - bericht kwam voor het eerst om 22:05:54 en verschijnt 22 malen
I have a couple webhooks configurate in IFTTT and i like to place then om the overview.
But how do can I get all those devices in home assistent.