Can HA use nextcloud?

I have a nextcloud server running on the cloud. Want to use my nextcloud as backup storage for the HA backup. Is it possible?

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There is a NextCloud integration but it only supports a few sensors to check the nc status. So, the answer is no as far as I can tell.

I am not using it but THIS might be what you are looking for.

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I tried to create the integration with my nextcloud server just now. It keep having authentication error to connect to my account (nextcloud). I can connect to my account no problem on the browser. Any reason why HA fails to connect?

That’s all too vague.

Show the Nextcloud logs for the authentication attempts coming from this HA integration and the logs for the integration itself when trying to authenticate to NC.

You may want to open an issue report at the author’s GitHub for the integration.

I have the Cloudfare installed on my HA. I suspect the Cloudfare is the source of the problem (connecting to Nextcloud). I’ll stop the Cloudfare and do the connection again. I’ll do that when I’m at the site next time.