Can Home Assistant Do Scheduling

I am relatively new to HA, although I have got a few things to work. I have hosted HA on a RPi.
As my next project I am going to use an ESP-8266 and MQTT to drive a relay to control my hot water. What I would like to do is to be able to create a schedule e.g. Hot Water goes on between 8am to 10am and then again 5pm to 8pm on the HA interface (similar to Nest) which I can then change and tweak as needed. I would also like a button on the HA interface that can override and turn the hot water on and off if needed.

Can this be done and if so could someone point me to the right place?


The time trigger can help with our automation.

Hi Ajafferji

Did you manage to create an automation for this, iā€™m trying to do something similar with my central heating system and struggling with the schedule.

if any one has an example I would appreciate it.


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