I purchased a Moes 4-button Zigbee scene switch, which is coming up as a Tuya model TS0044 in Home Assistant. I looked for a zigbee remote specifically because I wanted to be able to bind the remote to groups and devices and ensure they’ll work if HA goes down, but I’m having trouble doing that with this device. I’m using ZHA, and I’ve read that zigbee2mqtt can give more low-level options, but based on what I’ve seen I’m still trying to figure out if it’s even possible before I go through the trouble of rebuilding my zigbee network (that I only set up last week).
First, I noticed that instructions on binding devices with ZHA usually say to go to the device in question and hit the “Manage Clusters” link, but I don’t see one for this device. But I also don’t see that for any other Zigbee devices, and if I click the menu button next to “reconfigure” and then “Manage Zigbee Device”, I do see clusters and bindings as tabs, so I wonder if the interface just changed recently. However, I still can’t figure out exactly how the “Bindings” tab works. I can see bindable devices but selecting that only shows me my zigbee controller, and bindable groups shows the group of smart bulbs in the living room but under that the only clusters I can select from the switch are Ota (over the air updates, I guess?) and Time.
Second, when I look at the Signature, I see that there’s 4 endpoints that, I assume, correspond to the 4 buttons, but they only have in clusters for 0x0006 (OnOff), no out clusters, except for the first one with the Ota and Time clusters. So… if I understand this correctly, the switch can accept On/Off commands, but has no clusters to send them, and that’s why Ota and Time are the only clusters showing up for binding? I’m really confused as to why that’s the case for a 4-button switch (let alone one with 3 possible inputs for each button - short press, double press, long press).
I tried looking into ZHA Quirks to see if this was something I could adjust myself, or if it was obfuscating the endpoints on the device itself, but from what I could tell the quirk for the TS0044 has functions to interpret the buttons (how it turns 4 endpoints into 12 possible events, and why the OnOff clusters show up as “TuyaSmartRemoteOnOffCluster”), but the number of endpoints and clusters is the same, so there’s still no OnOff Out Clusters for me to bind regardless.
At this point it seems like the answer is just “nope, it’s weird and doesn’t support binding button presses to other devices directly” but I’m only like 70% sure I understand how all this works so I thought I would explain what I’m trying to do and what I’ve found and see if I’ve missed or misunderstood something, or if anyone else can say that another tool like z2m would fix this issue. I also figured if that’s the case I could save future users some time by posting this here where it’s searchable and they can see it just doesn’t work.