Can I connect bluetooth proxy with each other to extend the range

Hi, I have to bridge a distance of 15m (7m indoor and 8m outdoor) and unfortunately one bluetooth proxy isn’t enough :frowning: Is it possible to connect one bluetooth proxy with a second one to get a connection about 15m?

I don’t think you can chain the proxies, but I don’t see why it would be needed.

You can have any number of proxies around.
Can’t your potential 2nd proxy be reachable by Wifi?

You mean the way is I should connect a bluetooth device via bluetooth with Atom and afterwards I connect the Atom via WLAN with raspberry? I will try to find more information about this. Thanks!

That’s how the BT proxy work:
device ← BT → proxy ← wifi → HA

If you want a BTProxy that goes a long way, use a POE ethernet wire and a EXP with POE ethernet, run a couple hundred feet of wire and plug the BTProsy in the end.