Can I connect ZWave cotroller to Hyper-V Virtual Machine?

I have a Hyper-V server running with multiple Hyper-V VMs. This server is always turned on. I use USB stick with my RPi HA and I know that I cannot do USB path-through on Hyper-V server.

Are there other kind of ZWave controllers that I can connect to Hyper-V VM? Anyone knows?

Thank you.

This might help you as i am sure you can now do Hyper-V USB pass-through

I use VMWare of my setup and it works fine

I will check it, thank you.

Microsoft designed Hyper-V to not share usb hardware devices. I really doubt it would work for a z-wave controller that basically presents itself as a serial device.

That is the main reason I run HA on a Raspberry Pi instead of my son’s Hyper-V server.

I thought so too, but I am willing to try.

I tried it and could not make it work. My Windows Server does not see it as a drive.

I first started playing with HA in a VirtualBox VM on my Windows 10 laptop. I then moved to a Raspberry Pi.

As far as I know, USB path-through works with VirtualBox, but you cannot install it on the server that has Hyper-V enabled.

In my case I cheated. I installed the windows drivers for my stick and passed the serial COM ports through to the VM.

can u explain this a bit more ?

@Dario_Musante I dont think that can be done anymore on newer HyperV. I dont have the option for serial socket passthrough with named pipes anymore on 2019 HyperV.

I’m trying to find out a way to run the USB passthrough software in HASS.IO though. There seems to be no way to install anything in the supervisor so I might need to reinstall without the supervisor.

I used VirtualHere for a while. It’s USB over IP software, it worked well and is pretty cheap in comparison to other software with similar features.

I’ve not had a great deal of luck finding out how to modify the stock Hass OS to allow software like that through.

I found this guide that I am working through with Supervised:

Will see how much functionality I need to take over myself and see if I like it.

That also then allows me to install the HyperV drivers in the Debian VM so it reports network IP etc to the HyperV machine.

I’m moving from RPi to proper server simply as I have the resources now, but if it all gets too much I may go back the RPi way but run it in on Pi 4 instead of 3.

You could always install OpenZwave daemon on the host machine and connect to it through Hassio.

It’s the way forward for z-wave in Home Assistant anyway, so it might just be a lot less complicated to maintain going forward.

edit: OpenZwave is no longer the way forward for HA, having moved to Z-waveJs. The same would apply though, as the zwavejs server could be run on the host device and be connected remotely to HomeAssistant.

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Assuming you can setup ZWaveJS on Windows considering the Hyper-V aspect of this thread?

Were you able to install Z-WaveJS on the host machine?

No, considering I was told you can’t get this to auto start as a service wasn’t a good solution for me. Currently evaluating DDA passthru and third party apps to pass the dongle thru.