Is it possible to make the HA history graph (which pops up when you have a tap action configured with more-info) display the values of two entities?
- Create a view with everything you need. Make it with “subview: true”.
- In tap_action navigate to this view.
More complex:
- Install browser_mod.
- In tap_action call a browser_mods service to show a popup with a design you like (see details in browser_mod repo & community thread).
Thank you very much for the reply.
Is it possible to do that using the default HA graph though? I’ve seen some screen shots online of what looks like a standard HA graph but with two lines on it (i.e. two variables are being plotted).
Also, will the subview solution show up as a popup too?
Subview is just a normal view - but it has a “back” button.
You cannot show a subview in a custom popup.
In fact, a custom popup is a CARD (or a stack-like card with other cards).
Thanks. So you are not aware of a way to make this work using the default historical graph popup, correct?
Not sure I understood you.
The “default HA graph” could be:
- a standard history-graph added by a user (contains only historical data);
- a graph from more-info which could be a statistics graph if the entity has LTS - so it could show either a historical data or LTS;
- a graph from a History view (which starting from some HA version is “augmented” by LTS).
I.e. a user may add a “default HA graph” on a view/card only in case of “history-graph” card.
You may mimic this more-info.
Thanks for engaging me on this!
I guess a pic is worth a thousand words so let me try to illustrate.
When I tap on an icon in my dashboard this popup “default” graph shows up.
This shows the data for my aqi sensor in the guest bedroom.
I’d like to also plot the 10-min average (which is what drives an air purifier) on the same graph.
Do you think it’s possible to do that?
I’ve seen screenshots from people that seem to suggest it’s possible to do that.
The tricky bit is that I want this to be the popup graph, not a standalone card that is always visible on my dashboard. I’m also not a fan of the ‘subview’ style because it’s its own screen and you need to hit the back button.
I guess if it isn’t possible I’ll go with the subview style.
(as for the more advanced browser popup addon, I’ve heard of it but I’d like to avoid using it).
Sorry one last question, I’m using a mushroom template chip card.
Another option I’m thinking of is if I set up a double_tap_action which instead shows this other entity’s card. It won’t be on the same graph but that’s ok.
But now the tricky bit is, is there a syntax available where I can have more_info for the main entity set for the template chip, and a double_tap more_info which is set to another entity?
Here is the sample code but it doesn’t work.
- type: template
style: |
ha-card {
border: none;
icon: mdi:blur
entity: sensor.guest_bedroom_aqi_air_quality_index
action: more-info
action: more-info sensor.guest_bedroom_aqi_trailing_10_min_average
icon_color: >
{% from 'climate_related_template_macros.jinja' import
icon_color_based_on_air_iq_level %} {{
Specifically, is there a working syntax for double_tap_action above? The sample I have does not work :(.
Either subview or browser_mod.
A look from your screenshot may be achieved by Entities card + history-graph card inside a seamless stack (like stack-in-card).
@Ildar_Gabdullin how about this? Do you happen to know the answer? Or do you advise I create a separate post with this specific question? Thanks!
- If your question is unrelated to the topic - better to create a new thread or (may be better) ask in a mushroom-thread.
- I am not using mushrooms, cannot help.
Ok thank you