Can I get HA dashboard to turn on a light as soon as the url is opened?

I setup HA dashboard that has only one switch and want it to turn on that switch as soon as someone enters the url. I want to hand out the url to lots of people at work so they can just bookmark it (or put it on their phones home screen) and when they go to the url, it turns on the switch. I rather that they don’t have to push a button. Thanks

This is what works so far.

I think I can get it to work if I can trigger off the HA Dashboard log. I noticed this line when the url is opened.

2019-10-10 12:42:18.859873 INFO HADashboard: New dashboard connected: Hello Panel

I got it working with appdaemon log file and file sensor in HA but it not as responsive as I would like. Any suggestions would be welcome. Thanks

  - platform: file
    name: Dashboard
    file_path: /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/conf/appdaemon.log
    value_template: '{{ value.split("Hello")[1] }}'