Can I integrate this energy meter?

Our block of flats got new solar panels and new energy meters. It’s an Eastron SDM220-MT which looks like this:

The two LEDs are encircled.

I’m looking for ways to integrate it into HA. I’ve found the Frient Electricity Meter Interface 2 LED which claims to be compatible with all meters with pulsing LEDs. The reason why I’m asking is that every meter I’ve seen used with this device has a vastly different looking single LED diode. This device uses two:

The meter provides two pulse outputs. Both pulse outputs are passive type.

Pulse output 1 is configurable. The pulse output can be set to generate pulses to represent total / import/export kWh or kVarh.

The pulse constant can be set to generate 1 pulse per: 0.001(default) /0.01/0.1/1kWh/kVarh.

Pulse width: 200/100/60ms

Pulse output 2 is non-configurable. It is fixed up with total kwh. The constant is 1000imp/kWh.

Eastron SDM220-MT

Frient EMI

Does anyone know whether these two devices would be compatible? Thanks for any info.

I don’t think you’ll have any issues if all you care about capturing is the second LED; I’d put some electrical tape over the first to avoid issues

If you want both, I suspect you’ll have issues since they’re so close together (plus you’d have to do some trial and error to see how they’ve configured the first one).