I’m trying to integrate my HomeSeer and Home Assistant a bit (it’s a joy, really) and node-red seems to be a good way to combine some limited features.
Homeseer pushes it’s device updates to nodered through a webhook at server/homeseer/webhook but doesn’t have any authentication parameters.
Does anybody know how to give local access to Node Red without a password?
Might be just me, but I found this question really difficult to comprehend.
Homeseer HTTP POST -> NodeRed Webhook
And you want to place authentication in the Homeseer request, but it cannot accept authentication?
A picture of your nodes would help, or even a (redacted) image of your homeseer settings too.
(Assuming you are using the Home Assistant NodeRed integration for Webhooks)
HomeSeer has its own node-red plugin, which exposes a webhook at http://node-red-server/homeseer/webhook. I give this address to HomeSeer and it sends all its device changes to that webhook. It doesn’t let me send any authentication information. I want the address at http://node-red-server/homeseer/webhook either to not demand authentication or let me use basic auth ie http://login:pass@node-red-server/homeseer/webhook.
The hs-server node configures where node-red sends commands, but to receive them it needs an open webhook. HomeSeer sends all device updates to that webhook, but it doesn’t let you set any credentials for that.