Is there any way the HA can control Alexa devices?
For example, I have an Amazon lamp that I can control with Alexa. I cannot find the way to control it from HA.
Is there any way the HA can control Alexa devices?
For example, I have an Amazon lamp that I can control with Alexa. I cannot find the way to control it from HA.
I was pointed to “Emulated Hue Bridge” as a component to install in HA. It’s a bit of work but I have had success with it.
Thank you for your reply. Can you please share more information how to connect it?
What worked for me was dealing with Zigbee devices. I believe Amazon uses that protocol. Anyway, with a Zigbee interface already running with a bunch of lights and outlets (using a Conbee 2 stick), I put the following in my configuration.yaml file (your results may vary):
listen_port: 80
expose_by_default: true
- light
name: "Livingroom"
name: "Kitchen Sink"
name: "Bedroom"
name: "printer"
name: "Laundry"
name: "Beer Light"
The deconz addon included the named lights and outlets to my HA entities list. The emulated_hue: included the named devices in my Amazon Smart Home devices. Hence HA could talk to the Amazon devices and Alexa could talk to the HA devices.
But now that I look back at your original post, it looks like you are only using an Echo 2 with the Zigbee hub built in and no Zigbee hub on your HA so… never mind.