In my configuration.yaml I have my switches all defined in: switch: !include switch.yaml
But one of my platforms, Broadlink, is threatening to grow quite large. For example:
#Broadlink IR Mini remote
- platform: broadlink
mac: '78:0F:77:48:30:DE'
friendly_name: "Kenmore Fan Power"
Under switches: I am likely to have dozens of command codes in my switch.yaml file. so I am wondering if I could put all these definitions in another include file?
Case sensitive include as @firstof9 says above, and move the k of kenmore_fan to the far left edge of the new file and preserve the indentation below (so friendly_name is 2 spaces from the left edge).
firstof9 - Thanks. I knew the first problem had to be something simple. As one who is anal about grammar and proper sentence structure (because I failed English in High School quite regularly), it’s difficult for me to ignore the shift-key.
mf_social - Also thanks. You saved me from my second problem that I hadn’t even seen yet.
Thanks both of you for your quick response. All is working fine now.
(Now, if I can only figure out how to write automations.)