Can I program new codes onto a 433mhz cloning remote?

I have a few 433mhz remotes that work with my HA. They’re cloning ones, like this.

Now the 2 different styles have different codes, but in total I only have 8 “pre-programmed” codes to work with. I was looking for a way to program/change the codes. Since I have several remotes and having them all unique would be more flexible for automations and such.

Not sure what you are asking for. If you have 8 "buttons"you will have 8 codes. If you use RFlink or other integrations you will be able to read those codes and use them. The codes should normally all be unique.
In HA though you could create more RF codes that you could use to link devices to and still use the 8 codes for essential tasks you like.
I have KAKU devices and they are not programmable but I created my own codes to control switches via HA.

Did you tried to open them so as to see if there is some dip switch to change the code ?
It could be also some jumpers or contacts to solder.

I’m wondering this same thing. I just bought a few of them and I have a ton of 433MHz devices all around my house with unique codes – the two remotes I bought are both 4-button but different styles.

As it turned out, my 433MHz snooper showed that they both had the same pre-programmed values!! They are also programmable the same way for cloning a source remote.

However, like the OP I want to build a way to program my own unique 433MHz code into them so I can associate it with my Sonoff RF bridge and do cool things in my smart home.

I’m thinking about building an ESPHome 433MHz broadcast device I can program with my own code(s) so I can use it as the “source remote” for cloning operations. A long time ago I ordered some of these RF transmitter STX882 & receiver SRX882. I played around with them a little but this might be a really good use of it!

Just wondering if anyone has tried that before. :slight_smile:

I got this working! I used one of these type of kits:

I set it up to transmit the 433MHz code I wrote up in ESPHome YAML. I picked a random code like D1E93C…

  carrier_duty_percent: 100%
  pin: GPIO5

  - platform: template
    name: Button D1E93C
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_rc_switch_raw:
          code: '110100011110100100111100'
            pulse_length: 190
            times: 500
            wait_time: 10us

Then I just put the learning remote right up next to the superheterodyne antenna and pressed the remote button as I clicked the Home Assistant button. I set the number of repeats at 500 to try to trick the physical remote into thinking I was holding the button. It seemed to work as now the remote can broadcast its own D1E93C code.

However, doing the 500 repeats I think causes the ESP32 to reboot – might be too many calls or something.

What I’d really like to do is set this thing up to take an input field in HA so I can specify what the code is in a text input box or something. Then click a button in HA to have it broadcast so I can dynamically program remote values. :stuck_out_tongue: