I’m wanting to do a few things on the ESP, but still take and receive data from HA. All the examples I’ve seen and previous code seems to be about getting sensor values from HA or reporting local sensors to HA, I’m wanting to do something along the lines of responding to a sensor do a few things, make decisions change GPIO pin status (to pull a relay or other GPIO) and then report to HA what I’ve done rather than being reliant on HA to do the processing and then responding back to the ESP. I can do it natively on the ESP and use MQTT, but would be nice to keep as many of my HA devices on ESP home as practical.
Yes. You can run automations on a node. I have a few where keeping it local makes sense. I used the following documentation to learn and get inspired to see what was possible
I try to build a lot of logic into the ESP32 itself. That way if HomeAssistant or wifi fails everything still works!