I have a CircuitSetup energy monitor that has an esp32 using esphome. It has been working great.
Today I wanted to add code to graph my A/C circuit in Home Assistant energy. It didn’t go well so I switched to a browser that had the original code up and re-installed that. The esp32 is losing connection momentarily and going unavailable for moments now. That messes up two automations that turn up or down the volume on my tv based on load on the a/c circuit which informs me and HA that the fan is running.
Not sure if it is related to one of my pico’s runnning temperature sensors that have drop outs since 2024.7
Is there a way to save a binary to put back if something in esphome changes for the worse. Up to now I thought having a copy of the yaml was enough.
OK. It is there somewhere because the tool generates it then uploads it.
I asked because I am going to change your topic to get a better answer from someone that might know.
I also improved the title. Feel free to adjust it more as you might like, but this will help get a good answer.
Thanks. Once I have a better grasp on what is going on I’ll start a new thread for it. Being able to put the original binary back in would have been helpful in troubleshooting.
Save a binary sensor state? And this is for an energy meter? Are you sure it’s a binary sensor?
FYI, This question or variants of this question get asked in here probably once a week and they usually have a good deal of tips, tricks and solutions for this exact problem. A mouse stroll over to the search box and then typing a few words is all it takes to quickly find lots of good information.