Can I save these plugs?

Hello, as beginner I once bought these plugs and and LSC 5m LED strip from Action which only work with Tuya.
As I’m focussing on privacy without cloud and find even cheaper Tasmota devices I think about if I can save and convert these plugs to tasmota or esp or do I need to throw them away as electric waste as I can’t use them Tuya free.

In the picture you can also the the shitty consumer unfriendly screws. So, personally I’m done with the brand as I contacted the support how to flash this devices without any answer.

In the end I don’t to waste hours and days of time for a bundle of 60 € devices.
As trackers I don’t even give them away as a gift when I can do this with 4 tasmota plugs.

Have you not tried Local Tuya - it really does work without the cloud (my only Tuya device is on a VLAN that has no internet access and works fine).

Those are probably using beken now, so if you need tasmota you’d probably need to do esp swap

As for esphome, you can just flash them right away using cloudcutter

Those are screws specially designed to be screwed in once and never unscrewed. Safety reasons, also demanded by norms in Europe.
There are no serviceable parts inside, so from manufacturers view no any reason to open the case.
Failed? Replace…

We here are not the normal consumers, we are hobbyist everythingopeners :slight_smile: Not the group, the manufacturer aimed for…

I use Dremmel to make extra sleeves in those screws, then they can be opened.

I startet with tuya turn the loyal tuya integeation. To enable the devices you need to Register an tuya developers clouds and link the tuya APP and all stuff.
Only if doing all these steps and blocking internet access for the devices on the router you can use local tuya.

But local tuya crushed after the free Dev account on tuya run out. Guys tracks and sells services I don’t want and need.

And the device data must be stored one time on the vendors cloud.

The LED strip responds no data or sensors, so this device can’t be used outside toys app.

Thats why I wanted to replace the firmware.

Good idea with the dremel. I had this not in mind. Clear, thats the same way you remove damaged screws.

When its not flashable I don’t need to open it. But for me, the possibility to do so is a criteria itself. And if its just to open the case and spray it with another color.

You can also use a tool like this: : screw extractor
And just replace the screw with some other screw.

It could be hard to get a dremel in there

does it fine…

The question is still: Are these cheap crap plugs worth the time? :smiley:

If you like playing and learning then I think it’s worth the time. You probably need to get them open to find out what chip is used but options are tuya cloudcutter otherwise you need to reflash with openbeken.

Have only found the square design which is using cb2s module.

Thats bad but neither tuya convert nor cloudcutter worked. Unitec is not even listed as brand.

So I come to the point as I originally stated that I don’t want to spend more time on this devices.
I take them as learning and will only buy devices marked (or premade) for ESP and Tasmota.
When I follow the youtube videos and news it seems that the exploits are long fixed and can’t be used any longer to flash 3rd party firmware.

Testing and playing is only a point of interest when it comes to software, what is my passion. I will spend more time in smart solutions than trying to bring a device online. And this is easier in my network, only support for running things, what consumes enough time.

Thanks so far for all the good advices and hints.

Converting isn’t that hard but you would need to get them open, solder some connections, and do it thru a usb/ttl adaptor. I’ve managed to convert a few different types.