Can I set a timer duration in a script (no timer.start)


I know I could set a duration with data if i start a timer with service timer.start but could I set a new duration to a special timer without start the timer?


timer.start is the only service call that allows you to set a timer’s duration. If you can use it to set a new duration for an active timer, the timer will restart using the new duration.

OK thanks, so I could not define from user choose before starting the timer or must use a input entity.


Did you find a solution for this?
I would like to have an easily configurable timer duration on my dashboard.

Only a workaround using helper to save the duration and in automation I use the helper to set the timer duration.

Thanks for the response, I am using something similar:

alias: Scentsy Time to Timer
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - input_number.scentsy_time
condition: []
  - if:
      - condition: device
        type: is_on
        device_id: befba499e0d934ad7a8f4902dd8c4e09
        entity_id: switch.scentsy
        domain: switch
      - service: timer.start
          duration: "{{ states('input_number.scentsy_time') | int }}:00:00"
          entity_id: timer.scentsy_timer
      - service: timer.start
          duration: "{{ states('input_number.scentsy_time') | int }}:00:00"
          entity_id: timer.scentsy_timer
      - service: timer.cancel
        data: {}
          entity_id: timer.scentsy_timer
mode: single

Just got this repair notification in my HA instance:

## The timer start service duration parameter is being removed

The timer service timer.start optional duration parameter is being removed and use of it has been detected. To change the duration please create a new timer.

Please remove the use of the duration parameter in the timer.start service in your automations and scripts and select submit to close this issue.

I hope this is not true, as passing different durations when starting the timer is useful in all sorts of situations. For instance, I use it in various security countdowns depending on who is present.

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The Spook Custom Integration adds a timer.set_duration service that you might find useful…

service: timer.set_duration
  entity_id: timer.my_timer
  duration: "00:15:00"
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oh wow I just found out why a lot of my automations did not work anymore after a recent update. It’s because the timer.start once was able to change the duration and it KEPT that value. Now the documentation states “[…]which then will reset the duration back to the original configured value.”
That changed sometime in the last couple of months. And as it seems there has been no replacement implemented for that functionality. It’s like patching away the possibility to inflate a bike tire while standing still.
“No you have to be driving to inflate your tire or install a custom component to do so.”
I’d say that is a poor decision making process in the development here. Until this is fixed (or isn’t) we might have to use chris.reeve4’s way to do so.

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