Can no longer link Google Assistant

same here, i get 404 error and when I try to add google assistant back in HA it redirects me to Nabu Casa login. wtf has just happened? I’m using cloudflare

i now have no home integration at all

Hmm, maybe this is the problem.

This is helped me.

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It does’nt work for me. Still error message ’

couldnot reach app , please try again

Here the same since this week. Would be great to find a centralized troubleshoot page. Found several spread out over community and elsewhere but so far none worked for me.

I’m having the same problem, but it’s my first time setting this up.
My google console is logging the following error, is it the same for everyone going through this?

I don’t think that error is relevant, then again I can be wrong.

the error should be logged there. I’ve seen people reporting different logs for this error, one of them is backend fail or something like this, which was related to the firewall blocking the traffic

I got the same error. Turns out it was because I was blocking all traffic from the US and UK. Allowing those two country’s in Cloudflare fixed the issue for me.


@ApolloF thank you very much, had US blocked in cloudflare as well removed and fixed.

Glad it’s working :smile:

btw: If you’re using the service account for syncing, it also requires the UK to be reachable.

Edit: Or allow Google AS15169

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ciao , hai fatto solo queste modifiche , ho hai fatto tutta la procedura ?

Hi I followed your post’s instructions, but when relinking Home Assistant to Google Home I keep getting

Could not reach [test] Home Assistant v2. Please
try again.

in Google Home.

I already tried rebooting Home Assistant and relinking, but I always end with this.

Any idea what to do? :sob:

Hi everyone, I’ve been having the same problem for any days, I’m trying everything but I always get the same error: Could not reach [test] Home Assistant.
Any good souls to help us?

Hi everyone,

I have lot of disconnect issues with google home past days. Today i have made the decision to delete everything and do the manual setup again.

Unfortunally I can’t connect to the [test]homeapi anymore. After the home assistant login screen I get the: Could not reach [test]homeapi, please try again later.

I have double checked everything and I can’t find weird log messages.
Maybe there are problems with google or duckdns, I don’t know.

I am hoping someone has a fix.

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I was facing the same problem, but in my case it was just the testing execution of the Google Actions app that wasn’t running.
I guess Google stops the execution of the test instance now and then.

EIDT: well, it seems I talked too soon. The app was in fact not running, but although my Google Home seemed to be able to connect, I still have all devices offline.
And it doesn’t seem to be a matter of not being able to access my HASSIO instance, because if I try to reconnect to the linked device ([test] my homeapp), Google Home says that it can’t connect right now.

My Google Home is now up and running. Nothing has changed, I tried again this morning and everything works now. I suspect there was a problem with duckdns, Google Assistant or Google Home. I hope everything will work stable from now on.

It seems Duckdns had issues yesterday and is working fine again now for me.

Yep, same here, but the awkward thing is that I had no problem reaching my HASSIO from an external network, that’s why I initially ruled out any problems with Duckdns.

I had no issues with my external connection either, but have learnt over the years of messing with stuff like this this, that if something stops working wait a day or 2 before investigating as it will likely come back, or a fix will be published.