I wanted to try this addon, and maybe convert from esp easy to this.
A few weeks ago I tried it for the first time with no succes.
Today I took some time to try is again.
I have tried different ways but I can not get this to work correct.
I made sure that i have a clean NodeMCU. Flashed it with a Blank 4 mb file.
I connected it to my server from where HA is running.
Restarted the ESP Home addon and the NodeMCU showed up.
Created the first node using the wizard called “co2_sensor”
After the file is created I upload it to the the NodeMCU.
On the screen I see it compiling an uploading.
After that it connect to my network, but that is where it ends.
I get the following and it does not stop by itself. If I hit stop, then I get a message that its terminated.
Ok, I sorry for that, I thought it would be more usefull like this.
I haven got anything in the config file From ESPHome. I just installed it and hit run.
So if I click edit in Yaml, then there is nothing.
I started trying a few different settings, and now the node starts running.
I think the leave the door open option did the trick, at least now I can try to get in to is a bit further.
ssid: "xxxxxxxxxx"
password: "xxxxxxxxxx"
# Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
ssid: "Co2 Sensor Fallback Hotspot"
password: "Hlyx7r72xxxxx"
# Enable logging
# Enable Home Assistant API
At the moment I added an co2 sensor.
Still working on it at this moment. I do have the node online at this moment.
Now i can also edit the Yaml through the EspHome addon.
These two are perfectly ok, that’s exactly what should happen.
These are not ok. I’d suspect something in the direction of persmission problems, if that goes on. But as you said, you can now edit the *.yaml file, it seems just like a small hickup. If this comes back, report it again. If not, have fun with ESPHome.
Thank you for this hint.
I added this integration, it asked right away for a host. I added the ip address of the node.
How do I add other nodes?
I have the addon with this sensor working now, I think that the first thing I missed was the open door option.
After switching that on it started working.
That shouldn’t be necessary. The leave_front_door_open has to do with authentication between HA and ESPHome. There is something wrong with the installation of the ESPHome add-on that should be investigated. I don’t think it is time critical, but it should be checked in the near future.
How did you install HA and the ESPHome add-on? Are you on HassOS or supervised or is it a seperate container?
For now, just experiment with ESPHome, it is so much fun.
Press the + Add Integration button at the Integrations screen, type ESPHome and enter an IP address for a NodeMCU that you have in operation. Repeat this process for each sensor-NodeMCU combination that you have in operation.
This is only the second part. This has to be seen as two different processes. One is the firmware that you create in ESPHome. And the second part is to add the device to HA.#
Both things have not much to do with each other, as you can create the firmware for your device in every ESPHome installation and flash it to a device. Same goes for the integration into HA. HA expects the device to talk “esphome”, doesn’t matter how it can do that.
Just see the ESPHome add-on as firmware-creator, what you do afterwards doesn’t matter to ESPHome (add-on).
This makes things more clear. The HA addon is nice and this way it can all be done from the same place.
I have HA running supervised on a docker container.