Hello, I am trying to setup 7.6 64bit on my 8gb pi 4.
No matter how I address it, manually configure the IP, reset the system dns I can not get connected to the pie. Maybe the DNS settings are wrong? IDK.
Please help. Tell me what to paste into cmd promt and I will post the output from windows 10.
I bought this pi when the 8gb came out to run home assistant, yet always hit this wall. Please help get connected to this dang thing finally. I have a ethernet cross cable from the port of my pi to the port on my laptop. It’s picking it up, just won’t let me access it.
I mean I don’t want to presume things about your setup, I guess what you’re doing could work? But generally people use an ethernet cable to connect devices to their router or to some kind of network hub. Not to their laptop.
Yea I get it. I’m not trying to be mean I’m just not familiar with the setup and so not really able to help. I made the first post on the off chance that you were really off track but clearly you’re not you just have setup that’s a bit different then normal.
Give it a bit more time, I bet there’s someone in this community who is familiar with what you’re trying. Also if you want you can hop on the HA discord server and ask there. There’s installation channels which might have people who can help.
You Win10 PC must be on the same subnet as your Pi. Your netmask should be something like Also for DNS type a static IP of (the public Goggle DNS server) and for backup (optional).
An example:
The above assumes internet, but you cannot have a LAN that connects to internet without something acting as a router. So either there is some kind of miscommunication about the setup, or are we just talking about 2 computers that have no other network connection than to one another?
I have a pi 3b+ I can use as a bridge or an offline pc for setup if that would help… I keep my real horse power offline and clean…
Sooo desperate I’ll even throw the samsung chromebook into the assault.
I can get a clean wifi Hotspot thru connection off my laptop. Could I then pass that clean wifi from my laptop to a pi 3b+ to ethernet cross cable to home assistant pi 4 8gb? Wtf am I doing wrong! It shouldn’t be this fuckkkkkked!!!
Today’s hardware can work out the CAT patch you use. Have you tried to use any other normal patch cable, straight or cross does not really matter much today, unless you are using really old hardware.
I understand there is no DNS running and technicaly you don’t need one, when working local. You can provide an external DNS in the settings, like Googles (, but this won’t help because Googles DNS don’t know the names of the local devices.
Unless you’ve provided an assignment in the hosts file of Win10, like name_of_the_rasp
or homeassistant
you have to connect to it by its IP.
Did you ever use the crossover cable before? Means, are you sure its a real crossover cable?
Did you check what the actual IPs of the devices are, when connected via crossover?
Also make sure the firewall is off on the Win 10 PC.
Instead of using a crossover I would open a “mobile hotspot” on my phone or tablet and connect both devices to it.
sorry folks was at wits end and had a couple too many…
I ordered the cable for this use specificly, may be that is the issue.
tried to ping, it failed, this is what I got:
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19041.1415]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Users\Durp> nslookup rasphberrypi
Server: UnKnown
DNS request timed out.
timeout was 2 seconds.
*** Request to UnKnown timed-out
Who do you expect should answer on your dns lookup ? i mean where/who is your dns-server ? … could you share the networks settings for your HA, aswel as OS on Pi, if you run in VM(on Pi) … you basically don’t seems to provide any “structural” info, so how should anyone be able to understand what you are doing ?