Can not interface with Insteon PLM

I am a complete newbie. I am trying to go to Home Assistant from Indigo. I am running HA under a virtual machine created under Virtual Box on a Mac mini running High Sierra (10.12.6). I have been able to get the connection to my Z-wave stick.(which I am kind of proud of but unable to use) but when I try to configure my Insteon PLM 2413U. I keep getting a failure to connect. insteon_no

I am 90% the device path is correct as it was shown


The PLM works under indigo so I am 99 % certain the device works. Any ideas would or references would be appreciated

OK. been doing some on line research since there doesn’t seem to be any real instruction on this. (I know open source). I found this discussion [Insteon PLM configuration/startup issues]. which seemed to infer that editing configurationY,AML was best approach to this. I tried with this.


port: /dev/tty.usbserial-A906XKU0

No joy. I get this error.

  > 2021-11-19 10:55:08 WARNING (MainThread) [pyinsteon.protocol.serial_transport] Unable to connect to /dev/tty.usbserial-A906XKU0: [Errno 2] could not open port /dev/tty.usbserial-A906XKU0: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/tty.usbserial-A906XKU0'

I am stumped. I have tried the UI hand editing. As seen above the device path APPEARS correct. Any comment thoughts or brainstorms would be appreciated. I have good number of insteon devices.

OK I have a new min running Monterey (12.0.1). Exact same results. So appears to be a general Mac thing

Took a bit but got it. The environment created two machines and two level of connection. The


was the connection from the mac mini to the Virtual Machine. (VM) When I made sure to enable the USB ports under Virtual Box a connection became available in the VM. I installed terminal in Home Assistant found the connection

( ttyUSB) and the integration worked. Hope this helps others