Can not make ZG-204Z works on ZHA

Hi everyone, first a big thank because im super new in Home Assistant but with all the information in this forum i was able to make a lot of new things.

Here i want to describe a problem i have to make it everything work on ZHA or Zigbee2MQTT:

I was able to add Zigbee Motion Sensor (ZG-204Z) the problem here is ZHA detect as Smoke Sensor and i have no way to make it work correctly, in real this model is motion detector and include lux sensor

instead in Z2M is work perfect and full able to access motion sensor and lux sensor, but my problem is in Z2M i can not make all devices work perfect, per example Aqara Cube (MFKZQ01LM)

Thanks everyone in advance.


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Hello @jcastroa87 ,

same problem here, ZHA pairs the ZG-204Z as smoke sensor …
Did you find any solution ?

E.g. did the custom quirk mentioned for ZG-204ZL help ?

I also have a ZG-204ZL, and I tested its quirk with my new ZG-204Z and got mixed results. I got the occupancy sensor working, which is a huge plus, but still shows a smoke sensor and the battery indicator is showing a 0 % alert.

To accomplish this, I modified the identification part, to the proper identificator (_TZE200_bh3n6gk8), and deleted the illuminance sensor stuff from everywhere. Also changed some class names but this I think had no effect.

Okay, somehow, magically now it works!!
I tried to explain it as best as I could here. I posted the code too.

Hopefully we can get this officially supported soon.