Can not restart HA

I tried to change an iocn of a binary sensor. (I saw a post which explained I could used the customizations menu). I changed the icon, it worked but I got a message that I should add in my configuration.yaml the

  customize: !include customize.yaml

I added it, but it won’t let me restart.
in Configuration validation i get the

component error: customize - Integration 'customize' not found.

and if I try to restart in the notification tells me to check my config… and it won’t restart…

edit: I removed the customization (changed back the icon to door from garage) with the same result

What I can do?

Can you please show the relevant part of your configuration.yaml file and the customize.yaml file as well?

Are you sure that this part

customize: !include customize.yaml

is under the homeassistant: section and intended as in the example you posted?

Because the error looks like you have it unintended and therefore it looks for a integration called customize, which doesn’t exist.

That was the problem. I didn’t used the homeassistant:
Now I restart it and it is working fine.

You gave me 2/2 fast solutions today.

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