I’ve looking at this integration with the hope that it might be used to replace my slingbox, which will be EOL by November. From the docs, it seems that I have to setup another device as my media server, so its a bit more involved than just adding the integration. So my question to the community is this:
Can Pleat be a 1-1 replacement for a SlingBox? I only need it to display whatever content is on my DirecTV DVR, live or recorded content. Can Plex do this?
No, Plex Media Server/Clients are not designed to capture an HDMI/Component video signal and retransmit like those old SlingBox devices did. Plex can organize your library of digital movies, TV shows, photos, music, etc… and make that content easy to access on your TV, phone, tablet or laptop/desktop. Plex can also act as an Over The Air (OTA) DVR, as long as you have a compatible OTA Antenna and tuner, like the HD HomeRun. But, Plex has not way to connect to your Satellite DVR.
I would recommend simply switching from DirecTV to one of the various streaming services, like YouTubeTV, SlingTV (not related to SlingBox!), Hulu LiveTV, DirectTV STREAM, etc… Of course, these services do require a decent broadband internet connection. However, they can be used on many Smart TVs without any additional hardware, or on streaming media boxes like AppleTV, Roku, FireTV, etc… They can also be watched on smart phones, tablets, and laptops.
Thanks, I’m think I’ll look into the TiVo Edge, then.
I wrote an article on how to create a slingbox replacement using only two products from amazon: