Can ratgdo be set to Close to Percentage?

Is it possible to set a cover to close to a certain percentage? When I set the command from closed to X% it works as expected - but when I try to go from Open to X%, it just closes all the way.

I’m trying to figure this out because of the HOA where I live. I have an EV and our HOA doesn’t permit us to mount our chargers outside and we aren’t permitted to have our garage doors wide open all night - so I currently have to disengage my garage opener and manually open the door just enough to allow the cable to pass underneath.

Trying to up the WAF by setting a button in HA that would close the garage just enough once to stay right above the cable - that way we can go back to using the open/close functions as normal without having to constantly disengage and reengage the door from the opener.

Any help or feedback would be appreciated!

i don’t believe ratgdo gets enough sensor information to do this… at least i’m pretty sure mine does not! you’d probably have to do it by timing, but that has all sorts of reliability risks…