Can someone explain what Im doing wrong with my Thermostat LED Statuses?

I have a WS2812 LED strip that I have partitioned off so I can use to determine status of my thermostat however it appears that
idle_action has priority over off mode because on bootup, even with the thermostat in OFF mode the solenoid_status LED of the WS2812 shows a blue LED rather than a red LED when on_boot_restore_from: memory

  - platform: thermostat
    name: ${name}-controller
    id: controller
    sensor: temp1
    on_boot_restore_from: memory
    setup_priority: -100
    startup_delay: True    
      min_temperature: 0
      max_temperature: 40
      temperature_step: 0.1    
    min_cooling_off_time: 20s
    min_cooling_run_time: 1s
    cool_deadband: 0.01
    cool_overrun: 0.1
    min_idle_time: 1s
      - switch.turn_on: relay_1
      - light.turn_on:
          id: solenoid_status
          brightness: 20%
          red: 0%
          green: 10%
          blue: 0%            
      - switch.turn_off: relay_1
      - light.turn_on:
          id: solenoid_status
          brightness: 20%
          red: 0%
          green: 0%
          blue: 10%      
      - light.turn_on:
          id: controller_status
          effect: "blink green"
      - light.turn_off:
          id: controller_status
      - light.turn_on:
          id: solenoid_status
          brightness: 20%
          red: 10%
          green: 0%
          blue: 0%      
      - switch.turn_off: relay_1

It not until I cycle the thermostat between “cool” and "off that the solenoid_status LED shows red.

BUG??? or am i missing something??

I believe the automations under each of idle, off, cool, etc they are only triggered when there is a change from one to the other and when it boots and a mode is restored from memory, that isnt a state change so the automation wont be teiggered.

Why its booting with any color on at all is hard to know without more information and since you decided that small section of your config was the only part relevant that we need to see, that makes it harder to know the problem exactly.

No one can tell if its from a conflict from somehow else in your config or another automation, if its from the gpio your using with a known gpio output level at boot… No one can tell…