Can someone please help me install Samba. I installed hassbian on raspberry pi3

I cannot find instructions on the internet that allow me to access my home assistant yaml file on windows 10. Can someone please provide guidance. Much appreciate.

Under “Developer Tools” is an “i” in a circle. Click on that button to find your configuration.yaml path

I couldn’t find it on the developer tools area

how should the configuration for the samba file look like.

I just installed Hassbian last week, and used the script to install samba.The relevant part of /etc/samba/smb.conf looks like this:

path = /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant
writeable = yes
guest ok = yes
create mask = 0644
directory mask = 0755
force user = homeassistant
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I will definitely give this a try. I am currently installing the all in one installer, will the configuration you posted work for the all in one installer? Thanks for replying to my post Cariboo.

HASSbian has the samba script in the hassbian-scripts.
cd /hassbian-scripts
then run the samba script using

Then go to your windows 10 pc
map a networkdrive using the name not ip address default name should be hassbian and use your login credential to your pi which is usually pi and raspberry if you didn’t change yours. recommeded to change it though.


I hope that helps you.

That part has been moved. Read the post further down for details.


Samba functionality isn’t enabled by default in Hassbian.

You can install and enable it over ssh with

hassbian-config install samba

Just as a follow up on this topic, if you are using an older version of hassbian, and you get the hassbian-config not found error, the scripts are available here for download:

I just used sftp to copy the package to my home directory on my raspberrypi and then ran:

sudo dpkg -i hassbian-scripts_0.4.deb

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What about using netatalk? I was able to use Terminal on my mac to connect to my Pi3’s IP address:

open sbm:// etc, but I’m unable to figure out how to a) login as the homeassistant@hassbian user to access the .homeassistant folder in the /srv/homeassistant virtual environment.

Furthermore, I’m unable to reset the password, nor do I even know the password for the user “homeassistant.”

The default login information works for pi@hassbian, but I’m at a loss on creating shared folders for the virtual env? Ideas?

I just log into the samba share as my regular user (not the pi user). If you read the /etc/samba/smb.conf file you see that it forces the homeassistant user so there is no need to log in as the homeassistant user.

I used netatalk years ago, and it was way more of a pain to use in a mixed network than samba.