Can’t access HA after core-2023.10.1

Hello, Since a week I have a HA Green running and have done some configuration (add ons, HACS, dashboard, Cloudflared. etc…). I’m new to Home Assistant so don’t know a lot about the language…etc

Yesterday I saw that there was an update (HA core-2023.10.1) so I tried to install it…
When I came back a couple of hours later I could not reach HA with IP address or with app :unamused:

I reached out to the community (see couple of conversations below);

I plugged in a monitor and this was what I could see

(some help from boheme61)
“try typing” su reload “, if still nothing,( in your browser), type " su logs " in the console”
su reload didn’t do anything (command completed successfully…) . In browser no succes…
su logs gives a pretty long log… what do I need to check?

pretty long ? like scrolling passing errors ? , or “stopped” with a last “INFO entry” saying "system evaluation complete ?

PS: as your 2023.10.1 seems to be finished, id reboot the device again(lazy approach), if still nothing, you can try to dig in the logfiles(if there was errors) same with ( check/type " core logs " )
I can’t scroll back (i think) but I see "system evaluation complete”

It look ok, the red is a warning, for something with a "usb-port, should not prevent you from acessing the system
type " core logs " just for the fun of it :slight_smile:
IF it also “seems” ok

Reboot … type " host reboot "

PS: if that don’t help , Please open a “New” topic, describing what you’ve done so far (this)
As this is a “General” Blog-Topic, it’s more appropriate to open a separate thread, for your “issue”

Had a lot of red lines…

Did the reboot, It started up and I’m back at the screen a posted first…
Cannot reach the device with the ip adres… bummer

At this moment I can reach HA but in safe mode… So I hope that someone can help me what to do next! :pray:

So, post your configuration.yaml, so we can see why it is in safe mode.

It seems your system cannot pickup a DHCP IPv4 address. Check your router, DHCP server or most likely your HA system is connected to the LAN (possible issues faulty CATx cable, or dislocated LAN connections).

I think you just have a blurry screen or old-eyes vision :slight_smile: , ps: i thought so first also, but he “masked” them out with a “black-pen”

Hi again

When i wrote the “path to your core-log ( with all the red-errors ) i didn’t tell you to hit enter, efter each command.
What you were suppose to do was
1 type “login” on your console, then hit enter
( then you could type “ls” and hit enter, there you should see the files and folders where you current “promt” is(the folder you are in ( you should see a folder named " mnt”
2. type " cd mnt " … hit enter ( cd means Change Directory )
3 type " cd data " … hit enter
4 type " cd supervisor " … hit enter
5 type " cd homeassistant " hit enter ( you should now be in your /config folder , type “ls” to verify


i just realized i gave you a wrong file-name :laughing:

6 type " less home-assistant,log "
Then you can “scroll down this file” using the “space” on your keyboard
Try to take screenshot of “relevant” Errors, don’t mind “INFO” or “Warning” , it’s when the errors begin, and also " cause " and the end of the Errors which could be interesting to see
PS: as Francis says, you can also “in the console” type " less configuration.yaml " and post a screenshot of this ( when you reach the /homeassistant(pt5.)

Have this “cloudflared” worked before, and what is it actually for config involved in this ?, HTTPS, or just DNS ?

:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:geriatric vision for sure

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Thanks for the replies. Because I’m a newbie I am limited in the replies… had to wait for 4 hours to do the next reply…

I solved it!! :grinning:

In another post I read about someone that had a bad config file. In my core log I had seen that too (see below).

(This is a piece of the log for HA Core that I could see in safe mode)

2023-10-07 23:57:38.751 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config] Invalid config for [http]: not a file for dictionary value @ data[‘http’][‘ssl_certificate’]. Got ‘/ssl/fullchain.pem’

not a file for dictionary value @ data[‘http’][‘ssl_key’]. Got ‘/ssl/privkey.pem’. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 5). Please check the docs at HTTP - Home Assistant

This was a piece of text that I had added for security (tip from Everything Smart Home) and since it is not standard I thought let’s erase that for now… then restarted the system and voila! it worked again…

Why? I don’t know. Maybe I typed something wrong? had no issues with it the days before.

Glad it’s working again! Thanks for the help (and learned a lot about HA along the way…)

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cloudflare is working. I use it to acces my HA from outside.

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I’ve never been in HA in “safe mode” … what i recall :slight_smile: , so i have no clue what one can do, or have access to there :), but great you’ve fixed it

It loods HA interface but without loading the integrations etc.
You can acces the config files and see logs :tipping_hand_man:t3:

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Yes sounds obvious, now you say it, :slight_smile: , been in windows uncountable times in that “mode” :laughing:

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