Can´t access Home Assistant anymore


yesterday while at work i tried access the settings of HA using the App on iOS.
This didn´t work and i guess my Pi4 crashed because since then i lost connection to it.

When i went home i also couldn´t access it localy so i unplugged the power to restart it.

since then it´s kinda dead!

i can see it in my network (router), i can ping it (using the ip or homeassistant.local) but ONLY if i don´t add the port 8123.

ssh onto it doesn´t work (connection refused).

problem is, that i don´t have any access to the internet on my computer (using phones hotspot right now), guess this is because adguard is running on the Pi4.

any ideas how i can get it back to live?

Connect Pi to display and observe messages?

i don´t have a micro-HDMI cable to do so :confused:

i can see it in my network (router), i can ping it (using the ip or homeassistant.local) but ONLY if i don´t add the port 8123.

You can’t ping specific ports. You can telnet to specific ports though.

did that, don‘t get a connection

If you don’t have a way to see the screen output I would probably just reinstall HA and do a restore from backup.

looks like it was a problem with the SD card. just got a new one, restoring right now.

Not uncommon. Consider changing to some other type of storage.

considering getting a NUC right now :smiley:

It is nowadays very easy to use an SSD on the Pi. Once installed, you can unplug the SD-card and be blessed not to need them anymore. I am using Pi’s for a long time, always had problems with SD-cards, no matter what brand/type, once you have to do a hard re-set or hard re-power, it has always been a gamble.