yesterday while at work i tried access the settings of HA using the App on iOS.
This didn´t work and i guess my Pi4 crashed because since then i lost connection to it.
When i went home i also couldn´t access it localy so i unplugged the power to restart it.
since then it´s kinda dead!
i can see it in my network (router), i can ping it (using the ip or homeassistant.local) but ONLY if i don´t add the port 8123.
ssh onto it doesn´t work (connection refused).
problem is, that i don´t have any access to the internet on my computer (using phones hotspot right now), guess this is because adguard is running on the Pi4.
It is nowadays very easy to use an SSD on the Pi. Once installed, you can unplug the SD-card and be blessed not to need them anymore. I am using Pi’s for a long time, always had problems with SD-cards, no matter what brand/type, once you have to do a hard re-set or hard re-power, it has always been a gamble.